The ongoing transition

There are empty shelves and full boxes. There are random pieces of furniture, some destined for the Habitat ReStore and some to be moved and a king sized water bed to be disposed of (anybody interested in a full motion mattress??). The first problem is that we still have no firm date for the move. Every overnight trip to Evergreen has involved loading a few more boxes. That means that we have boxes in Greeley and boxes in Evergreen. That leads to the second problem, this all seems very unreal. The cause of the extended delay is a bathroom reconstruction project that started in early December. The actual delay is due to a custom vanity that is not due to ship until February 11. Once it is in place, we’re told the finish of the project is a week further on. So until then, we’re primarily in Greeley and only occasionally in Evergreen. That leads to the third problem. Whether it is at my local Rotary meeting or encounters in the grocery store, I’m getting a lot of quizzical looks. “Are you still here?” I think for the sake of the poor souls who keep running into us I need to look up the words from an old rock song: How can we miss you if you won’t go away?

3 Replies to “The ongoing transition”

  1. I miss both of you and I am praying that you won’t encounter too many more delays in getting your house in Evergreen ready for full-time occupancy.
    Thank s for the update!

  2. I never did like that old rock song. How about the song “If you stay put I won’t miss you”.
    I am missing you guys so much and think of you nearly every day.
    Hugs from Sharon!!

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