High Gear

We’ve gone from stuck to a sort of full speed ahead. The moving company is showing up on February 25. Habitat ReStore is coming by February 27. We’ve gotten more boxes from our friends, Chris and Anna Carter. And no, we are by no means ready for this.

The cats are stressed, as are we. This past weekend we had a wonderful time at Christ Church in Denver where I served on an interim team from 2001-2003. Our friend Russ Parker led the weekend and it’s worth describing both in context and content, but that will have to wait for a later entry. However, because the commute between Evergreen and Christ Church is much shorter and much less stressful than the one between Greeley and Christ Church, we elected to go to the high country Friday afternoon.

When we arrived we had to wade through a flood of cardboard detritus to get to our bed but also found the lower part of the vanity installed. Once the counter top is in place they can install the remainder of the vanity, install the tub, put on the trim. Best of all, the site foreman assures me they’ll be finished and cleaned up on Friday. So now we pack.

Saturday and Sunday is our orientation/training sessions for volunteering at the Wild Animal Sanctuary. Each session ends at 1 pm so we dash back to Greeley each day to pack some more.

There are a few things we can’t put on the moving truck (including the cats). Monday morning will be a challenge. First thing once we’re up is to drain the water bed and disassemble the frame and pedestal and get it in the garage where some lovely souls will take it to their home that afternoon. The moving folks show up at 9a and we’ll be packing the car as they pack the truck. Once we’re done we call more Trinity friends (the Woodruffs) who will come and supervise the movers while we hightail it to Evergreen and open the house for the movers when they arrive.

Tuesday we’ll start trying to sort out the chaos in Evergreen. Wednesday I drive back to Greeley to meet the Habitat ReStore folks so they can take the various items we are donating. I’ll load whatever we couldn’t on Monday and in theory we will have completed our exodus from the house that has been our home for the past 11 years.

We still have to sell the place, but that is in the capable hands of our realtors, Trinity folks John and Wanda Lowe.

Eventually, we’ll make the Evergreen house livable again. That’s a good thing. The not so good thing is that then it will hit us how much we miss the people and the community we’ve left behind.

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