Making Progress

I’m sitting in our downstairs office with the basement still filled with boxes and bits and pieces of many things that have no place to go. Unpacking is not the only thing going on in our lives. In fact, this will be a very busy week for a couple of retired folks.

On Tuesday, we will have our first session as volunteers at the Wild Animal Sanctuary. Our workplace will be the Carnivore Nutrition Center (CNC) which is on the grounds of the Sanctuary. And no, we won’t be hanging out with any of the animals. The Sanctuary exists for the benefit of the rescued animals and humans with little clue of what they’re doing (like first time newbie volunteers) just stresses them out – subverting the purpose of the Sanctuary. We’ll spend four hours doing whatever the staff needs us to do like washing out the cans where the meals are mixed, moving things around or scooping the meal mixtures into 10 gallon buckets to be frozen for later feeding of the animals. It’s hardly glamorous work, but with so many lions, tigers and other various felines to care for, the CNC stays busy all the time. Most all of the bears are in hibernation now. When they decide to come out of their dens the CNC gets even busier. Our next volunteer time will be on the walkway, greeting visitors and answering what questions we can.

This Wednesday we travel back to Greeley to close on the sale of our home there. Yes, that was quick and bless John & Wanda Lowe for all their work for us. Thursday, we do another closing back in Evergreen on the refinancing of our remaining mortgage on our Evergreen home. And then, quiet and rest. That is, if you can call unpacking, sorting, donating, recycling and disposing quiet and rest!

8 Replies to “Making Progress”

  1. Glad to get an update. Prayers for your endeavors at the Wild Animal Sanctuary and as you close on your Greeley house.

  2. Congratulations on the sale of your house. Hopefully, it is another contribution to your retirement investment account.
    Have fun caring for the wild animals. I am sure a former career in the church is good preparation. Although, I cannot think of any parishioners who hibernated.

  3. Sounds about right. Welcome to retirement.
    This week was a big one for us as well since we welcomed our newest grandson (#8). Reagan James was born 3/9/19 at 9.1 pounds and 22 inches. Please keep him in your prayers.

  4. Well … I recall my Father commenting during his first year of retirement that he didn’t know how he ever found the time to work. My experience has been the same.

    So good luck with the retirement task ?


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