Farewell to Sianna

Yesterday we bid a reluctant farewell to Sianna, our 10 year old Maine Coon mix. She had been her normal alternating affectionate/tetchy self as of last Saturday night. Sunday morning she didn’t show up for breakfast — a very unusual occurrence. Dorie Ann finally found her hunkered down in the lower compartment of a 2 story cat condo I’d made over 20 years ago. Sunday night Dorie Ann put her food in the compartment beside her as she didn’t want to come out. Monday morning she had moved location to the back of Dorie Ann’s closet, having nibbled only a bit of the food. We took her to the vet Monday afternoon and her blood tests show that her kidneys were severely compromised. We left Sianna with the vet overnight while they gave her fluids via an IV. On Tuesday her levels were even worse. After visiting her we decided to try one last thing, a diuretic that takes about 12 hours in kick in, hoping that would restart the kidneys. A little after 7a Wednesday morning the Vet called to tell us the deterioration continued and recommended euthanasia. We had really wanted to take her home and do a sort of feline palliative care, but without the IV the symptoms of her kidney failure would become more painful and traumatic. To complicate matters, Wednesday was one of our volunteer sessions at the Wild Animal Sanctuary and we leave town about 10:30a to get there, check in and get our assignments.

Wednesday morning at 9:45a we drove to the vet’s and said our farewells. By 10:20a she was gone.

Sianna, not approving of my camera work
Sianna, just before the end

Farewell, Sianna, and thanks for the love.

5 Replies to “Farewell to Sianna”

  1. I’m very sorry about your cat. I know how hard that is. I had a dog for 17 years and we had to make the decision to euthanize him. It was the hardest day of my whole life.

  2. I was sad to learn that you had to euthanize Sianna. I know the struggle on making that hard decision. Those pets we have loved and cared for burrow into our hearts and we grieve their passing as we would any other family member. All the big cats at the sanctuary can’t fill her place in your hearts.
    You are in my love and prayers.

  3. So very sorry. I had to make that decision for my wonderful Owain last winter How well I know your pain.

    But what a blessing you all were to each other.


  4. I’m so sorry to hear of her passing. I’ve gone through it also. Never easy. Sending my love and prayers.

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