Springtime in the Rockies

The primary thing I miss from life back in Kentucky is springtime. We don’t have springtime in Evergreen. At least for no more than 2 or 3 days at a time. Instead, we have this:

The Elk Meadow from above and a bit south of our house.

Not to be deterred by our high altitude meteorological shenanigans, we decided to take a walk in our Colorado springtime attire.

High fashion for Evergreen in May.

The elk apparently had good enough sense to find shelter, but we eventually made our soggy way back to the welcoming house – where we decided to enter by the garage so as to shed our dripping outer garments before warming up inside.

Home at last

One Reply to “Springtime in the Rockies”

  1. I know how you feel. Springtime in Dallas is beautiful – except when there are tornadoes. There are really only three seasons in Colorado: fall, winter and summer. Enjoy the lovely views you have!

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